
77.news is an informative, social project where our vibrant content is generated and curated by our valued user community. Our project is fundamentally independent, maintaining a strong stance of non-affiliation with Third Parties.

We operate without any direct or indirect commercial motives, fostering an environment that advocates impartiality, non-prejudice, and respect for diverse opinions. Our website may feature commissioned articles, but it's essential to note that our website operators are not responsible for the content contained within them. Responsibility for all content uploaded on our social platform, whether by independent authors or users, lies firmly with the creators themselves.

To gain a more comprehensive understanding of the 77.news project and its various aspects, we invite you to explore the following sections: Terms of Use, Disclaimer, Roadmap, Tokens, and FAQ. Should you have inquiries or require further clarification, our dedicated Team section provides contact details for your convenience.