Understand instantly
  • Celery juice has been popularized: is it worth trying?
  • Healthy heart, immune system, digestion, and skin provided by one vegetable?
  • Celery juice: how to get the most benefits
  • Celery juice can be enjoyed by most people in moderation
  • From stews and soups to snacks and smoothies
Celery is a vegetable that could improve your digestion. Michael Burrows/ Pexels

Celery juice has been popularized: is it worth trying?

Celery juice contains various nutrients and can provide health benefits. The craze is real, and celebrities, fitness enthusiasts, and other people talk about it this much for a reason[1]. The juice can provide antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Celery juice every day can cure conditions like obesity, cancer, thyroid issues, and acne. That is what people believe, even though researchers do not confirm the fact. Many claim that these facts about celery juice are dubious and not backed by science.

Some facts are true, and the benefits of celery can be great if you choose to introduce this vegetable into your diet. However, a healthy diet overall is more important. Only using celery as a medication that could cure everything but not changing anything about your lifestyle cannot be helpful.

Celery has been cultivated for thousands of years. Its origins date back to the Mediterranean region, where celery was used as both food and medicine in ancient Greece and Rome. Nowadays, vegetables are widely used all over the world in dishes ranging from soups to stews to simple, cheap snacks[2].

Experts say that despite its low-calorie count, celery is highly nutritious and a good source of vitamin C, K, potassium, folate, and fiber. Nowadays, spring mornings are often not complete without a green smoothie, which includes celery as a common ingredient and can always be spiced up with different, cheaper fruit.

Celery juice has been popularized by celebrities. Ifreestock/ Pexels
Celery juice has been popularized by celebrities. Ifreestock/ Pexels

Healthy heart, immune system, digestion, and skin provided by one vegetable?

Celery is a nutrient-dense, health-promoting, cheap vegetable. According to dietitians, it can be eaten raw as a crunchy snack, added to salads, soups, or mixed soups, or squeezed into a nutritious and refreshing juice. Celery is a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals[3].

Fiber is very important for digestive health and helps maintain heart health by lowering cholesterol and regulating blood sugar levels. The vitamins C and K in celery support the immune system and improve skin health. In addition, the plant equivalent of the water-soluble vitamin folic acid folate is important for DNA synthesis and cell growth.

Celery is also rich in minerals, including potassium and manganese. Potassium is essential for healthy blood pressure and electrolyte balance. Manganese is also a cofactor for several enzymes involved in energy metabolism and antioxidant protection.

However, experts also warn that although celery allergy is relatively rare, it can cause allergic reactions in some people: symptoms could include itching, swelling, hives, difficulty breathing, and, in severe cases, anaphylaxis.

Celery juice: how to get the most benefits

  • Celery juice can be a healthy addition to your daily routine. It offers several benefits when included as part of a balanced diet. Celery juice is mostly water, which helps keep your body hydrated. Proper hydration is important for many bodily functions, like managing blood pressure, body temperature, and brain function. It also helps deliver nutrients and remove waste from your body.
  • Celery juice is a better choice than sugary drinks because it has less sugar. A cup of celery juice contains only 3 grams of natural sugar, while many other drinks have much more added sugar. Celery juice contains plant compounds called phytonutrients, which can help reduce inflammation. These compounds work as antioxidants, fighting against harmful molecules in your body. Eating foods rich in antioxidants is linked to lower rates of diseases like heart disease and diabetes.
  • Celery juice might help your gut health. It contains a plant compound called luteolin, which can reduce inflammation in your gut. Some studies in mice suggest that fermented celery juice can promote healthy gut bacteria, but more research is needed in humans.
Celery can be used for stocks and stews, snacks and juices. Shkraba Anthony/ Pexels
Celery can be used for stocks and stews, snacks and juices. Shkraba Anthony/ Pexels

Celery juice can be enjoyed by most people in moderation

Even though celery juice has less fiber than whole celery stalks, it still contains many important nutrients. One cup of celery juice provides vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium[4].

However, be careful with juice cleanses. While celery juice can be part of a healthy diet, be cautious about trendy juice cleanses. These cleanses claim to detox your body and cure diseases, but there's no scientific evidence to support these claims. Cleanses can also lead to unhealthy eating habits and nutrient deficiencies.

If you have certain health conditions like heart disease or high blood pressure, you should be mindful of the sodium content in celery juice. It's best to talk to your doctor before starting any new diet or cleanse, especially if you're taking medications.

You can easily make celery juice at home with a juicer or blender. Simply wash and chop celery stalks, then juice or blend them. You can also add other fruits and vegetables for extra flavor. Avoid store-bought celery juices with added sugars or flavors.

From stews and soups to snacks and smoothies

It is common to eat celery as a snack, cut into smaller strips, and eaten with your favorite, cheaper homemade spread or sauce. Some of the most popular accompaniments to celery are hummus, nut butter, and tzatziki sauce. Tzatziki is a Greek yogurt-based sauce flavored with cucumber, garlic, lemon juice, and herbs such as dill or mint. The crunchy texture and slightly bitter taste of celery contrast well with the creamy and spicy tzatziki.

Hummus is made from cooked chickpeas mixed with sesame paste, lemon juice, garlic, and olive oil, so these flavors also go well with celery. Moreover, although the mix of celery and peanuts may seem strange at first glance, the flavors and especially the textures work well together: the crunch of the celery contrasts with the smoothness of the peanut butter to create a really good textural balance in the snack.

Celery should be thoroughly cleaned. Karolina Grabowska/ Pexels
Celery should be thoroughly cleaned. Karolina Grabowska/ Pexels

To use celery in these dishes, simply wash it well, cut it into small pieces, and add it to the pot with the other vegetables. This vegetable really helps to create a savory base for a variety of dishes, such as chicken noodle soup, beef stew, or vegetable stock.

How to enjoy fresh celery for longer? The supermarket experts say cheaper celery should be protected from excess moisture, which can speed up the spoilage process, and kept completely dry to keep it crisp and fresh. Purchase fresh vegetables and keep them in the fridge or purchase less of it but more often.

The most effective way to keep celery fresh is to refrigerate it. Unwrap the celery beforehand and then wrap it in aluminum foil or a perforated bag to retain moisture while ensuring air circulation. You can also wrap the celery in a damp paper towel before placing it in the bag. Store the celery in a fridge drawer where the temperature is slightly lower and more stable, preferably around 0-4 °C.