Understand instantly
  • Natural ways to suppress appetite can help you lose weight safely
  • Natural methods that affect your appetite are safe and could replace weight loss medications
  • Natural appetite suppressants are not a quick solution for weight loss, but a healthy one
Natural remedies
Spices, nuts, other things like teas can suppress the appetite. Pok Rie/ Pexels

Natural ways to suppress appetite can help you lose weight safely

The world is in a craze over various drugs, pills, injections, and other methods that help easily and quickly shed some pounds. Ozempic and Wegovy have been in the headlines when the question of celebrity weight loss is raised. However, these drugs are not that safe and have many various side effects.

Many users have reported issues with these injections and reactions later on after using the medication. The drug was first introduced as the solution for diabetes patients who struggle to lose weight but later on was prescribed to random people who have no health issues besides a need to lose some weight.

These methods are not the safest and for sure not natural, so people can have more issues after using these than before introducing them into their routine. Fortunately, there are ways to suppress your appetite naturally, and there are foods, spices, and treatments that can naturally help with weight loss without these awful, health-threatening results[1].

Medication, drugs, injections are not good for you in the long run. Suzy Hazelwood/ Pexels
Medication, drugs, injections are not good for you in the long run. Suzy Hazelwood/ Pexels

Natural methods that affect your appetite are safe and could replace weight loss medications

Some herbs and plants might help you lose weight by making you feel less hungry. They work by making you feel fuller, slowing down how quickly your stomach processes food, stopping some nutrients from being absorbed, or affecting the hormones that control hunger.

Even though people tend to rely on medications that help to lose weight quickly, these popularized semaglutide injections are not the answer. Certain natural herbs and plants can help reduce how much you eat. These natural appetite suppressants include herbs, extracts, or other substances that can naturally decrease your hunger[2].

People often use these to help with weight loss, along with doing more exercise and changing their diet. Unlike drugs prescribed for losing weight, many natural appetite suppressants come from foods or drinks. You can also find some in supplement form at stores without needing a prescription. They are not as aggressive and have fewer side effects than medication that requires prescriptions.

  • How do they work? Most natural appetite suppressants reduce hunger or make you feel more satisfied after eating. They contain ingredients like fiber, which keeps food in your stomach longer and boosts hormones that help control hunger. Some also have plant-based chemicals that might help with weight loss by increasing metabolism.
  • Are they effective? Some studies show that natural appetite suppressants can help, but more research is needed to be sure of their safety and effectiveness, especially for plant-based chemicals. Since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't regulate supplements as strictly as medications, it's wise to choose supplements that are tested by independent third parties.

Using natural appetite suppressants alone might not be enough to lose weight significantly or sustainably. Liz Keller, a holistic nutritionist, says that just relying on these suppressants without considering other lifestyle changes might not lead to much weight loss.

Green tea can provide antioxidants and sooth the tummy. Mareefe/ Pexels
Green tea can provide antioxidants and sooth the tummy. Mareefe/ Pexels

Natural appetite suppressants are not a quick solution for weight loss, but a healthy one

Natural methods work best when used as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise, according to Dr. Kien Vuu, a specialist in human performance and longevity. Natural appetite suppressants are usually safe when eaten as part of whole foods.

However, supplements or concentrated forms can have side effects or interact with medications. It's important to talk to a doctor before starting any supplements, especially if you are already taking other medications or supplements. Also, consult a healthcare professional before changing your diet if you have health conditions[3].

Weight loss pills like Ozempic can be really expensive, costing up to $1,000 each month. They can also cause some not-so-great side effects like feeling sick, throwing up, or getting constipated. They might even lead to more serious problems like pancreatitis or hurting your kidneys. But there are better and safer ways to feel full while losing weight, and they don't cost as much.

Spices and teas can help with appetite. Pixabay/ Pexels
Spices and teas can help with appetite. Pixabay/ Pexels

There are foods that naturally help you feel less hungry, and they're tasty and won't cost you too much money[4]. Adding these foods and spices to your meals might help you lose weight without feeling hungry:

  • Almonds: A handful of almonds has good stuff like antioxidants, vitamin E, and magnesium. They help keep your blood sugar steady, make your gut healthy, and lower your risk of heart disease. A study in 2019 showed that almonds really do help control your appetite.
  • Green tea: Green tea, with its caffeine and catechins, might help you feel full longer.
  • Cinnamon: Researchers think cinnamon can help lower your blood sugar and fight diabetes. This helps control your appetite.
  • Greek yogurt: A small container of Greek yogurt has a lot of protein, which helps you feel full. It's better for stopping hunger than skim or whole milk. Greek yogurt also keeps your gut healthy, makes your bones strong, and boosts your immune system.
  • Ginger: Putting some grated ginger in a smoothie can help your digestion and make you feel less hungry. You can also add ginger to lots of different dishes for extra flavor and energy. Researchers found that men who ate ginger felt less hungry.
  • Avocado: Avocados are full of healthy fats that help lower your cholesterol and keep your blood sugar in check. The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says they make you feel fuller than other foods that are low in fat. They're great for vegetarians and vegans, too. Studies show that people feel satisfied after eating a meal with avocado in it.
  • Eggs: Eggs are full of protein, which helps you feel full and eat less, according to studies. Eating eggs for breakfast instead of a bagel can keep you feeling full for longer. Eggs have benefits for your heart.
  • Sweet potatoes: These veggies have lots of vitamins and fiber. They also have a special kind of starch that takes longer to digest, so you feel full for longer.
  • Dark chocolate: Research shows that dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa can help you eat less. The bitterness in the chocolate tells your body to stop feeling hungry.
  • Tofu: Cooking tofu with veggies can help you eat less. A study says a compound called genistein in tofu helps with this.
  • Wasabi: Even a little bit of this spicy stuff can help you fight obesity. It's a natural way to stop feeling hungry, and it's good for reducing inflammation.
  • Salmon: Salmon has a lot of protein too, along with omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your health. According to research, eating protein-rich foods like salmon can help you feel full.